A labour of love

As I walk through the rows of flowers, I can feel the excitement bubbling inside of me. Each bloom is a small piece of art, crafted by nature herself. Every colour and texture is unique, creating a stunning tapestry across the garden. It’s incredible to think that just a few months ago, these tiny seeds were nothing more than a hope and a dream.

As I bend down to inspect a particularly vibrant tulip, I can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to work with such beauty every day. There’s a sense of joy and fulfilment that comes with nurturing something from seed to full bloom. And when my customers take home one of my bouquets, it’s like I’m sharing a part of that happiness with them.

But the work never stops - there’s always another seed to plant, another bed to water. It’s a labour of love, but one that’s worth it when I see the joy that my flowers bring to others. And as the seasons progress, I’ll be introducing new blooms and colours to keep things fresh and exciting.

For now, though, I’ll take a moment to appreciate this perfect spring day and the beauty that surrounds me. It’s a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there is still so. much to be grateful for.


flowers are happiness in your hand